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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Evolution of a painting, Bonsai Shadows II

Bonsai Shadows ready for C&C   Is it done yet???

Step 5 Mischa offers her C&C

Step 4 Sprayed speckles on background using a mouth atomized.  Then masked pot to lift highlights using Mr. Clean Magic Sponge.  Its Magic.

Step 3 Laid in basic shapes

Step 2 - Masking

Step 1 - Value Sketch

The Watchmaker

This is something I did yesterday after an inspiring visit to  I took an old start and drew a face using a little bottle with a tiny tip and Dr. Martin's Watercolor Ink in Venetian Brown.  I added light highlights here and there and this is my watchmaker.

The Watchmaker, 10 x 10" collage/mixed media piece.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 2012 ACEOs

These are some of the ACEOs (Art Cards Editions and Originals)  that I have listed or have sold on ebay this month, June 2012. Most of my listings are watercolor, but there are also some acrylic and collage pieces.  This is a great way for people to buy small (2.5 x 3.5") works of art.  I send many of these in mats, so they are ready to put in a standard 4 x 6" frame.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Paintings accepted for Children's Hospital Show -New Horizons

 These are the pieces Bob and I had accepted for the New Horizon's Show opening at Children's National Medical Center.  The show will be on exhibit from mid July through mid September.


Another Golden Day

Bob's Healing Meditation

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

MiniSolo at Touchstone Exhibit

These seven pieces were accepted into the MiniSolo at Touchstone Gallery Exhibit and will be on display August and September at 901 New York Avenue, NW.  Opening Reception will be on August 3rd, from 6 to 8:30 PM.

Above the Fray Watercolor 27 x 36"

Firebird 12 x 12" Acrylic on Tile

Stone Madonna Acrylic 22 x 22"

Numbers Game II  Acrylic 14.5 x 14.5"

Numbers Game Acrylic 16 x 126"

Spot On Acrylic 24.5" x 24.5"

Whimsy Acrylic 16 x 16"

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Piece Selected for June Show at Torpedo Factory

My painting, Ancient Voices, was selected by juror, Mark Cameron Boyd, to be part of the June All Media Show at the Art League of Alexandria.  The opening reception will be held Thursday, June 14th, from 6:30 TO 8:00 PM

Ancient Voices - Acrylic 15 x 25"